

Look at me! I have a blog! My brother set this up for me. What a kind little man... I'm almost finished recording my new album Different Paths with Patrick (www.patrickwatson.net) and the Pawa Up crew (www.pawaupfirst.com). I'm going on tour with Malcolm Bauld (www.malcolmbauld.com) in October. I can't wait but I'm a little stressed because I have so much stuff to do at SOPREF (www.sopref.org) before I go. Cynthia and I are promoting two big shows. We booked L'Assemblée, Grand Marquis, NulSiDécouvert and Les Robots de la Rime on Sept 23rd at Club Soda. We also booked Watcha Clan, aRTIST oF tHE yEAR, Uberko and Sexyboy for our Pop Montreal show at Lion D'Or on Oct 6th. Check it out!